Commercial Design
In an industry with so many competitors AVEMS mission is to become Europe's number one medium sized contractor for projects under £10m in value. A contractor whom can compete and deliver to the expectations of the leading large contractors but at the more competitive cost of a smaller contractor.

Second Home L.A
Furniture + Fit Out
Corian desking, rebar powder-coated table legs, aluminium, zinc and pewter exterior cafe furniture, Siberian larch T+C station, Thermoformed T+C station, Lightweight flying tables, Meeting room desking, Custom ceiling finish, Siberian Larch bookshop, Fibre glass cafe furniture, outdoor corian planter desking, Cocktail bars and reception desks….

Second Home London, W1
Furniture + Fit Out, Resident workspace 40 resident spaces
Birch Ply Formica custom curved desking, rebar powder-coated table legs, custom carpet colour, lights, windows.
All work carried out during working hours mon-fri due to restrictions.

Second Home London, E1
Meeting Room Suite. Fit Out
Corian desking, rebar powder-coated table legs, curved acrylic partitions, custom doors, Thermoformed corian T+C station, HVAC, Resin Flooring